Stirling Engine Optimization


The brief for the project is given below:

Design III is a “design-and-build-and-evaluate” class. The following is a description of the format of the class, an outline of the assessment procedure, and the list of projects available to you. We expect that you should produce a well-polished pearl of a design – with no hint of “Scrapheap Challenge”. The team size will be 4 for preference (3 minimum, 5 maximum). You may form your own team or come to the first meeting of the class and join a team then.

Timescale For Project

A) First meeting of the class - Monday, January 24th, 2pm, M309 
    Finalise teams and projects. First draft of Gantt charts produced.

B) Week 3 – Monday  7th Feb. [IMPORTANT: the allocation of 10% of marks at this stage is a change from the information in the MDF.]
    Final concepts, sketches, drawings, project plan (these describe what you are going to proceed to develop and build, and how you 
    aim to do so).
    Award of 10% of marks. Marks allocated A to D on Technical/Organisational Quality of Effort and A to D on Assessed Volume of Effort.
    (Note that at this and all subsequent stages of assessment, the aggregate mark to be awarded is the product of the two elements, i.e., 
    Quality Mark x Volume Mark.)

C) Week 6 – Monday 28th Feb. 
    Initial discussion in M309. 15 minutes per group – discussion with a panel of staff members.
    Award of 30% of marks (remaining 60% awarded at end of semester)
    This is quite challenging. It implies that you are not going to sit around talking very much before you start giving concrete form to the designs.
    Marks allocated A to D on Technical/Organisational Quality of Effort and A to D on Assessed Volume of Effort.

D) Week 13 (Dates to be announced and will be determined by team and staff availabilities)
    Allocation of remaining 60% of marks
    Each group will meet with 2 members of staff for a thorough demonstration and technical evaluation.
    The final submission will involve stages as follows:-

    1) Performance of the design (Marked on scale A to D) – is it a polished pearl or a rough pebble?
        Where did the team start from and how far have they travelled?
    2) Effort expended (Marked on scale A to D) – bear in mind that 30 credits amounts to half a semester’s effort;
        we expect the equivalent of half a week of input every week from every participant.
    3) Quality of portfolio (20% of total mark).

E) Friday May 6th
    You may choose to prepare either a webpage, or to mount the whole project on a filesharing facility. Individual logbooks must be kept (hard-    backed lab books, not ring binders), but the final design portfolio is to be a group effort. Completing the portfolio should be an objective self-    evaluation of the final functioning design and a technical assessment of any failings or weaknesses therein.

Submission of peer marks by May 6th

Progress Meetings

Each group is required to hold a weekly progress meeting every Monday during the timetabled class period. The meeting should last no more than 15 minutes. The purpose of the meeting is to assess the progress made over the previous week, to update the project plan, and to assign actions to each named individual for the week ahead. Brief minutes (1 page max per week) should be recorded, especially the named actions, and be available to supervising staff at any time; the collected minutes are to be submitted along with the final portfolio.

Stirling Engine Task

The project may involve more than one group in different aspects of the design. See:- and various other websites for information. The objective is to construct a small demonstration engine. Some basic plans may be available within the department.